Hello you,
I will start this article with a disclaimer, I am here to share my personal point of view, my discoveries and things I have learned along the way. No propaganda, just sharing facts.
This being said I would like to share with you today my recent discoveries on the topic of food. I am a self-proclaimed flexitarian since I eat very little meat, not really for ethical reasons but more because it doesn't appeal to me at all...
I am a huge veggie lover and I can go on fruits and salads for months without needing anything else and yet feeling great.
Until now, my knowledge on food was more linked to intuition but I recently decided to acquire more sound knowledge on the matter, here are some of my discoveries...
I have mentioned the Rich Roll Podcast in a previous post, his program has aroused my interest on food especially the virtues of a plant based diet. I was especially inspired by two podcasts he made with Heather Lounsbury, a nutritionist, acupuncturist, Reiki Master and author of Fix your mood with food and another great episode made with Michelle McMaken, a professor at the NYU School of Medicine teaching plant-based nutrition. Throughout these talks we learn how simple diet changes can have a tremendously powerful impacts on our overall health.
I highly suggest listening to these talks, both available online!!
On my journey learning about nutrition I stumbled across two great documentaries, Cowspiracy and Fork over knives.
The first one, Cowspiracy, reveals how animal agriculture is the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and the intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen investigates why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it. A real eye- opener...
Fork over knives,on the other hand, examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods. A must-see!!
I must say that after having read, listened and watched all of these pieces of information, I am convinced that a whole food, plant-based diet is the best choice for anyone who wants to lead a healthy life.
A lot of myths have been debunked especially on the necessity of dairy for calcium intake or meat for protein.
I now feel comforted and enlightened ... And I hope you will feel more conscious as well after having browsed through these suggestions!
If you have other book or documentary recommandations on the topic don't hesitate to share them in the comments!
Cheers x
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